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Webinar: Compassion-Based Resilience
Webinar: Compassion-Based Resilience​
Video and Resources

Compassion-Based Resilience Webinar Recorded 2-8-18

Learn how compassion-based resilience can increase your capacity to stay engaged in systemic change, justice work and contribute to the wellbeing of others. This webinar is relevant to individuals, teams and organizations.

  • Discover how compassion can protect against burnout 

  • Experience a self-compassion practice and learn how you can incorporate this into your day anytime

  • Delve into how compassion can support social equity and justice

  • Learn a practice you can employ in teams that makes it safe to fail and increases kindness and creativity

This is a free introduction to compassion-based resilience that will offer you information and practices you can put into play immediately.


Selected Resources from the Webinar:

Compassion: Bridging Practice and Science

Ed. Tania Singer and Matthias Bolz

Free eBook available for download.


An excellent resources for compassion research, practice reports, and training programs. The empathy/compassion research is an article in this compilation. 

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

by Kristin Neff


This is an excellent book on self-compassion and addresses many of the obstacles to self-compassion. Dr. Neff's website,, is also excellent, and contains videos, audio, written practices and more. 

The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity and Resilience in Your Child

by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson


This is a book oriented toward cultivating resilience in children. It's a very accessible, practical book, and the lessons work just as well for adults. There is a chapter on cultivating empathy in children, and it includes the graphic of the red/green/blue zones of resilience. You can learn more about Dan Siegel's work and Mindsight at his author webpage or MindSight Institute site. 

Facilitated by Elizabeth Ferguson, Ph.D.

Elizabeth is a facilitator and educator in the practices of resilience and wellbeing. Combining the wisdom of psychology, contemplative science, internal martial arts and neuroscience, she offers an approach to leadership that weaves self-compassion, social justice, and community building. 

© 2023 Elizabeth Ferguson/Climate Compassion

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